Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Week 3: Results.

It seems strange that it has only been a little over 3 weeks since I started getting back into my workout and smart eating routine.   I feel like I am going on 3 months rather than 3 weeks.   I do feel that I am establishing great habits and I am happy about my progress.

I had my weekly weigh in yesterday and I decided to measure myself again to see if there is progress.
 Here are my results:
Weight - -4 pounds
Waist - 1&1/2 inches
Hips - 1/2 inch
Lower Abdomen - 3 inches
Chest - 4 inches
This week I am sticking to my 4 goals:
1. Exercise everyday for at least 1 hour. Every other day doing weight circuit along with cardio and then on off days at least 1 hour of cardio.
2. Drink lots of water.
3. Try to eat around 1500 calories but not counting them all exactly.
4. Drop 5 pounds.

If I can lose 5 pounds this week it will bring me down to a number I haven't seen in almost 3 years.   I hope I will start to see the difference in my face soon....I keep hoping it will show somehow but so far I can't tell a difference.   But I will keep on keeping on!!!
 I am NOT quitting and I know God is helping me each day!!!!

Total lost since my journey began:  19 pounds. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Passed Week 2 and I am still at it!

I am in the middle of my 3rd week of my latest attempt at my journey to health.
I have been extremely faithful to my 4 goals I posted last time.   Last week I ended up dropping a big fat ZERO.   This was extremely frustrating but it did teach me a couple of things.  1.   My body has to have a workout in the morning and then later in the day in order to drop weight.   2.   I have to be so much better about how much I eat when attending events.   I went to a Polo Match  last Saturday and the food was incredibly yummy (If you need a caterer go to Culinary Crafts....seriously the food was heavenly.  They made trout taste like protein candy!) so I just kept eating.   BIG MISTAKE!   I was so sick the rest of the day and into the next morning.   No wonder when I stepped on the scale a few days later, for my weekly weigh-in, I hadn't lost anything.   

This week I have added an additional workout later in my day.   So I do Cardio (mostly interval cardio) walk/aerobics dvd for 1/2 hour then I interval bike for 1/2 hour (I am up to 9 miles in 30 minutes....this may not be much but it is tons to me!).   Then around 3pm (sometimes later in the evening if I have alot going on) I do "Just Dance" high intensity songs for 45 mins to an hour or I go on a brisk walk for an 1/2 hour to an 1 hour.  Every other morning I add weight circuit to my routine and that lasts around 1/2 or a little more.  My goal this week with weigh loss is to drop another 5 pounds.   My daughters birthday was yesterday so I had a little cake and then today I was so hungry after church I ate lunch but then gave in and ate cake again so I am worried about that but I didn't lose control so I believe I still stayed in my calories.   I wish I wouldn't have eaten it though.

I weigh in on Tuesdays so we will see what the scale says.  
Hoping it is at least 5 down!

I have noticed two funny things....
1.  Watching reruns of "The Biggest Loser" helps me stay focused on my goal and helps with my motivation.
2.  The more I sweat the more I sweat.   I am working hard enough now that my clothes are really wet when I am done working out.   But I am also noticing I start sweating much easier when I am doing house chores or other things around the house.   Not sure what that means....weird.  lol  :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Week 1 - Accomplished!

I have had 4 things in my mind as my "goals" for the week.
1. Exercise everyday for at least 1 hour.   Every other day doing weight circuit along with cardio and then on off days at least 1 hour of cardio.
2.  Drink lots of water.
3.  Try to eat around 1500 calories but not counting them all exactly.
4.  Drop 5 pounds.

And I am happy to report that I met each goal this week....including the 5 pound drop!!!!   I am so happy about it all!   I felt like doing a happy dance as I saw the numbers on the scale and realized that my hard work and lots of prayers have paid off!   I know I could never do this alone.  I know God is helping me!

My 4 goals remain for this week.   Today has been a little crazy with taking one child to an ortho apointment in the morning and a bunch of life happening at home so I didn't get my workout until 11:00 tonight.   I just finished my cardio on my bike.   It is late and I am totally tired but I stuck to my goal and I feel really great about that!
I am off to bed so I can get up and workout all over again.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Begining Again.

It has been a crazy year.
I did finally drop 20 pounds but after going through surgery to remove a cyst from my ovary I started to fall back into old habits.   I have gained back almost 10 pounds.  Last week I picked myself up again and started over.   I am working out harder than ever before and I am feeling good about myself.   I am down about 3 pounds and praying the weight loss will continue.   My goal is 20 pounds by the end of July.   I know with the Lord's help I can do this!